Carlson McCain recently completed a field wetland delineation and threatened & endangered species habitat evaluation of a 4-mile corridor through mainly agricultural land in southern Minnesota.
We were retained to assess the habitat to support specific species, as well as identify & delineate wetland resources within the corridor. Historic aerial, soil survey, topographic, National Wetland Inventory (NWI), and Public Waters Inventory (PWI) maps for the Corridor were reviewed prior to conducting the field delineation.
Employees evaluated the habitat present within the Corridor for suitability to support the species that could occur in the area. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Natural Heritage Information System (NHIS) was accessed to determine if there were any state-listed threatened or endangered species with the potential to occur within the Corridor; however, no state-listed resources were identified.
Nine wetlands and three streams were identified and delineated within the Corridor. The wetland areas were documented with paired upland and wetland observation points. A description of wetland type and documentation of the vegetation, hydrology, and hydric soils were recorded on the associated USACE Wetland Determination Data Forms.
Observations of wildlife were limited to the Bald Eagle, though no eagle nesting structures were observed. There are no listed Northern Long-eared Bat sightings near the Corridor and none were observed during the site visit; however potential roosting habitat of mature trees was observed. Best Management Practices (BMPs) were recommended to minimize impacts on protected wildlife habitats during future construction activities.
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